Dec 28, 2009

All I want for Xmas is ....

Oh Boy, I am actually pretty amazed about crafty hands! Yes it's been a long time since I knit. Then I decided to knit a scarf for my baby...I never formally introduce him but let's just call him E.Bass! Yes I love Chuck Bass too much that I have to find one in real life. Why did I choose this to be my Xmas present to him. I figure he has almost everything, well most of everything that I can afford. I dont take him as a person that I can shop for but I will try one day. Also, I want to give him something that means something.

Knitting is not really my type of thing but I do know how to knit though I get lots of help in the end. Thanks to those ayis on the street, they are too kind but also smelly. Did I mention there was a week when I was knitting this damn scarf that we were having cold war? I really struggled whether I should continue or stop this crazy workload for a Christmas present. Though, I didn't give up cause I ain't a quitter so I wanna accomplish what I started.

I planned it really well, I bought a card along with a nicely designed wrapper paper with the blue ribbon. See the picture? everything has to MATCH <----I SWEAR I am not a VIRGO. So after finding out that damn E.bass is not going to spend Christmas with me nor buy any Christmas present for me. I almost burn that scarf! My rational sense tells me that I should be a graceful person and give him this very precious gift.

So there, the night before he took off for his claimed Family TRIP, I went over to his place and gave him the present. Any facial expression that I expected him to has never showed up, I honestly think he does NOT like my scarf and dont think he will ever wear it but guess what?? SCREW U, E.Bass cause frankly I still think I made the best Christmas gift. U stubborn Cow..(he's a taurus), u will slowly REALIZE how much time and effort I put in this. I know u do already but I am telling u.....u will know ONE day....

BTW, my Christmas present better be f*cking GOOD!!

Dec 15, 2009


Pictures are worth million of words!! They present SUPER MODEL ERA!!

Dec 5, 2009

Do you have that BRAND that symbolize you?

I used to own a poster of all the infamous 80s Supermodel with super duper mini short skirt in one of those Versace AD on my wall on top of my bed. I know Versace is not the most fashionable label in the public eye cause it's crazy, it's bold and it's definitely FLASHY.

BUT...if you take a closer look @ the recent Versace Show, it somehow shows a little bit of grace and elegance. I like to show-off, no doubt. I mean if I have the body for it, I will be very showy with my body. I was once very comfortable with my figure so I showed alot. Baby said I like slutty shit. I totally disagree, you dont get to show your curve when you are 50 years old unless ur a cougar. Well, figure speech.

Baby said he's more D&G, I said "Cavalli". Yes we both wild animals :P I have that leo in me that I like flashy, colorful items yet a bit of elegant touch to it. I am the ghetto fabulous type. I like all the tight fitting, ok....I miss all the tight fitting shit. When will I be there? Soon I hope....

Do you have that Brand that says it's YOU....? Aileen said she stepped into Versace, she started saying "Ariel Ariel Ariel!!" DO YOU?

Dec 3, 2009

Crib? Home? Collection?

I am obsessed with Instyle Celebrity Home Section. I mean I am a Instyle magazine fan but Instyle China? Come on!! Until I find out that they do features (straight copy from American Instyle) Celebrity Home AND Chinese Celebrity. Yay....I enjoyed reading this section a lot.

While baby tells me my home is not homey, I really begin to dislike my place too. Why? I am a shallow person. My place is NOT pretty and for all my life. I've never lived at a place I called myself comfortably happy living in. How sad? I know I can't keep looking at celebrity home and hoping my crib, home turn into that nor I want to. I really just need a place that's you know MINE. My daddy had promised me thousand times that he will and will buy me a place. However, as much as I want to believe him. I DON'T. Which makes me decide to BUY ONE MYSELF! Yap you heard me!! You damn did.

I dont know how long is this fucking thing gonna take but I am telling you. I will maybe far far far away from the city but I fucking will. Home really represent one's personality. Look at the celebrity home then you will know. Characteristically represent each person's favor, personality, style.

When I look at my place, No style. You know how much I hate being OUT of style?? Look at my baby for instance! Dude...he's too much of a fashionista! But dear, your home doesn't speak about you YET.

I am really hoping that by Monday, I will know for sure whether I am moving or not! Pray for me guys!

Dec 2, 2009

Simplicity is my name

I am a simple girl who tries to simplify my life to the mini-mum. I do however enjoy mix and match when it comes to clothes, home decoration and design weddings. Throughout the years, I really learn not to deal with dramatic people. Some people carries drama with them not by purpose but they just let drama follow them, affect them and join them. I tried not that bothering me. I once told a friend that "it's their drama until it affect you then it becomes your drama." He was very pleased with my saying.

I was young once (not that I wasn't young anymore) but I was once very into creating drama. I make things out of proportion to be angry, upset or even depress. Then, I realize life is way too short to be making things too big of a deal. No one is gonna care if you are angry, upset or even depress for those unnecessary incidents. Then why hold grudges when no one gives a damn? When you grow older and wiser, you will really learn to let go and move on. I know I sounded sentimental but really I am not. There are alot of things and ppl that need me to focus on.

I am happy with what I am. I have a lot of acquaintances that I dont remember that I have that long of conversations with. I have a lot of friends that I dont keep up nor do they keep up with each other's lives. I have a lot of good friends that I dearly miss and wish I can see them more around the world. I have few that I hang out when I am not working. I have fewer that I discuss and update my personal life. When I look at my speed dial, 1) Mom 2) Dad 3) Office 4) Baby 5) My assistant 6)~8)My Colleagues 9) My housekeeper. My social circle is very SIMPLE. I know who my real friends are!

I am content with my life cause my main focus is my work, my career, my projects and my clients. I am happy to surround me who thinks I am important to them. My life is simple and....

Simplicity is happiness!

Sep 28, 2009

The Art of Seduction

I'd been hanging out with my adorable and hot model friends lately. Beautiful E introduced this book to me. It's called "The Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene. I had the honour to take peak in their apt last Saturday when I was waiting for them to get ready.

First of all, this book is too much content to begin reading and you have to study it. Like you need to really take the time and learn the skills to learn this type of Art. I have to say I give up by the hmmmm fourth page. Yes, it is awfully clever but at the same time I think this type of thing you will need the talent to know how to 1) flirt 2) seduce 3) manipulate.

We all need security to go on with a relationship and security comes from trust. At least that's how my intakes are. At this moment, I am with someone I am absolutely have no control of. Most of the time, girls fell and they know exactly what they got themselves into. Dont expect to change someone, thats just stupid. But do trust yourself. Trust you have the ability to heal when you get hurt, trust your choice, trust you know yourself better than anyone in this world that you know how to protect yourself.

Daddy always teach his little girl to find someone who loves you more than you love him. Why? That way its simply easier and less effort. Your heart wont be too damaged if he happens to break it. I wonder if daddy marries someone who loves him more than he loves her? I look at my less than perfect parents and I can never understand cause underneath the surface, i think daddy marries someone he loves more than she does. Will mom ever find out the secret? I have no answers to it. But then, I know nothing is as it seems. The truth is always hidden.

I believe in hard work pays it off, whether it's business, friendship or relationships. I can only hope you learn how to be a better person each day. Baby, I am not sure if we ever will have our happy ending but I am trying...

Just like the movie " The Great Expectation", I was taught to put an shell to protect myself. Let me peak first then I will come out eventually. All you to do is "be patient", I promise I am worth the wait.

Sep 6, 2009

Mr. and Mrs Bund Night

This is what I called an ideal date night...thanks to baby for taking me to this delightful dinner. Food-I've had better ones but good night really requires a good company. I probably wont disclose this kind of intimate talk to you but baby I really thank you for the wonderful night.

Sep 2, 2009

Shopping List for Fall / Winter

So I begin to nail down some of the important items I wanna get for the rest of the year!

1) New Cell Phone (Ideally, any of the following will do just fine)

2) New Laptop, Apple...Probook..
3) Chanel Handbag

Hmmm I didn't really add an actual value for the above list but hopefully Santa will hear my wishes and put all my gifts in the stockings. :P

Aug 25, 2009

The most romantic thing~

What would you do for love?

What would you do for someone you love? Change your hair style? Remotely accommodate your schedule? Go thru unnecessary surgeries so you can be his imagine playmate? Switch your belief whether it’s religious or political?

I wouldn’t do all of the above. It might take me a life longtime to realize this but the most romantic thing to do for someone you love is to really truly love myself. I don't know if you will ever get to read this nor even understand where I’m coming from but dear I have something I wanna to share with you.

You never have to ask cause I’m sure you already know the answers. But…I need to be ready…completely! As for now, I am not! Why? I need to refocus on myself first. At this stage of my life, I am only 60% happy of being who am I. I need to work on myself so I can be the person I want to be with when I’m with you. Do I expect you to understand or I suppose anyone who understands this? No dear, not really. Before there’s you and me, there’s only one you and one me. I need to be with me first. I need to take good care of me first. I need to be someone who’s 100% comfortable with herself. Patience is my prayer, cause as much I want to speed things up, I also understand that something just need to takes time.

I will be at my 100%, and that is my dear the most romantic I’ve ever done for someone. I am gonna love me first!

Aug 3, 2009

Jeux d'enfants

This is one of my favourite French movie, the movie is full of witty games and naughty plots. "La Vie En Rose" made the movie more romantic and I suppose more French. LOL I really like Marion Cotillard's performance in Jeux d'enfants. She's crazy, she's bold and she's fearless yet witty and charming.

French is really a beautiful language, I always regret how come I didn't pick up French when I was in Canada. Blah...Is it too late to start? LOL

Jul 9, 2009


Life shouldn't be that hard, nothing shouldn't be that hard! I think it's great to take a chance to chill and relax at the same to look things differently. We should all live freely, and do not let the restriction limit us. Keep an open mind, you will realize things are never that complicated. We are the ones who manipulate situations and complicate things.

Everything should be easy, and natural.

Jun 16, 2009


"Frenemy" (sometimes spelled "frienemy") is a portmanteau of "friend" and "enemy" which can refer to either an enemy disguised as a friend or to a partner who is simultaneously a competitor. The latter can describe personal, geopolitical, and commercial relationships both among individuals and groups or institutions. The word may have appeared in print as early as 1953. By wikipedia.

How many Frenemies do you have? How many of us who appeared to like someone but hate them in disguised? As much as we all hate to be a big pretender. We all are! It takes too much emotions to really hate someone. Why can't we all just be confrontational about true feeling?

I really don't know but I do think time will heal every wound. There are bigger things happening in life everyday. Why let the unnecessaries affect us in so many ways? It hurts both ways in a fight, no one is a real winner. Drama is caused by human. When you are bothered by it, then it becomes your drama. Before you are affected by it, it was still others.

At this moment, I am not ready to go out just yet. I am not done with my self-healing therapy. All my fellow friends, you all will see a different me when I am ready. Before that, just let me be. Perhaps, it wont be long before you see me again. Until then, you know you love me!! LOL

Apr 21, 2009

Free Hugs, anyone?

Juan Mann ( Ironically alias of One Man) is the founder of this group. He has been living in London when his world turned upside down and he had to come home. By the time his plane landed back in Sydney, all he had left was a carry on bag full of clothes and a world of troubles. No one to welcome him back, no place to call home. He was a tourist in my hometown.

Standing there in the arrivals terminal, watching other passengers meeting their waiting friends and family, with open arms and smiling faces, hugging and laughing together, He wanted someone out there to be waiting for him.

So he got some cardboard and a marker and made a sign. He found the busiest pedestrian intersection in the city and held that sign aloft, with the words "Free Hugs" on both sides.

And for 15 minutes, people just stared right through him. The first person who stopped, tapped him on the shoulder and told him how her dog had just died that morning. How that morning had been the one year anniversary of her only daughter dying in a car accident. How what she needed now, when she felt most alone in the world, was a hug. He got down on one knee, they put their arms around each other and when they parted, she was smiling.

I recently came across this spread in one of my fashion dash of magazines. Surprisingly, I found this story amazingly touching. You know how many times after a long day at work, all I need was a real warm hug? I am no doubt a hug person. Some people are very particular with kissers but I am different. Hugs are very important. It really shows how intimate the two are. It also indicate how open is this person offering and how willingly is the participient accepting. Yes, the willingness of the two. All I need now is a big, long warm, comfortable hug at this moment.

Apr 19, 2009

Watching Slumdog Millionaire

星期六晚上和客人开完会和做完美体按摩后,躺在我的大床上终于决定看了一部被我买了很久却一直没看的电影。我常常买了那些很深或是很艺术的电影然后忽然心血来潮的时候才看。一直以为Slumdog Millionaire是一部很深的电影,毕竟是奥斯卡得奖的电影嘛!意外的发现这部电影是简单易看到不行而且不是悲剧。要知道通常奥斯卡的都是悲剧居多,象几年前的Traffic, Babel看了我都难过的要死。

我一看就停不下来,连厕所的舍不得去。女主角美的冒泡男主角傻的可爱,剧情安排的很适宜。有时侯在想是不是要真的在什么都没有的情况下,产生出来的感情才是最美最纯的。Slumdog Millionaire的主角们之间的爱情很纯粹,因为有希望。现在存在的所谓爱情,参杂了很多多余的考虑,很多余的原因。是不是人在什么都没有的情况下有的感情才是最原始的呢?小时候的感情就真的很纯洁,我喜欢你你喜欢我没有什么可不可以,也没有什么应该不应该。喜欢就喜欢,不喜欢就不喜欢。非常的彻底,也非常的绝对。不知道从什么时候开始,我们学会了"顾虑”我们学会了保护自己而变的越来越懦弱。而不是随心所欲的想爱就爱。最近发现有时侯别人的一句话,就宁愿相信了那一句话而放弃了认识自己有好感的对象。什么时候开始我们对人性如此的没有信心?在怕什么呢?爱情是需要勇气的。在爱与不爱之间,我们都选择了爱自己。

人如果都活在恐惧中,人生还有什么乐趣?喜怒哀乐都应该是生活的一部分啊!在彼此都不愿踏出那一步的情况下,我们让幸福溜走了!为什么不能象Slumdog Millionaire抱着希望而活呢?最近的我迷上了一句话,“Let every man judge according to his own standards, by what he has himself read, not by what others tell him.” - Albert Einstein。

不要让别人左右你的想法,更不要让别人的言语来遮盖你的双眼。有时候要相信自己的Gut Feeling。Sometimes you already know the answers before it happens. Trust your own intuition because you know more than anyone how to take care of yourself.

Apr 14, 2009

Beautiful Story

The girl in the That girl in the picture is Katie Kirkpatrick. She is only 21 years old. Next to her, her is her fiancé, Nick who’s only 23. The picture was taken shortly before their wedding ceremony, held on January 11, 2005 in the US. Katie has terminal cancer and spend hours a day receiving medication.In the picture, Nick is waiting for her on one of the many sessions of chemo to end. In spite of all the pain, organ failures, and morphine shots, Katie is going along with her wedding and took care of every detail. The dress had to be adjusted a few times due to her constant weight loss. An unusual accessory at the party was the oxygen tube that Katie used throughout the ceremony and reception as well. The other couple in the picture is Nick's parents. Excited to see her son marrying his high school sweetheart. Katie is in her wheelchair with the oxygen tube, listening a song from her husband and friends. At the reception, Katie had to take a rest, the pain do not let her to be standing up for long periods.
Katie died five days after her wedding day. Watching a women so ill and weak getting married and with a smile on her face makes us think.....
Happiness is reachable, no matter how long it last. We should stop making our lives complicated.

Life is short
Forgive quickly
Kiss passionately, love truly
Laugh constantly
And never stop smiling
No matter how strange life is
Life is not always the party we expected to be
But as long as we are here, we should smile and be grateful.

Thanks to my old old elementary friend Jocelyn Sung for sharing this beautiful story with me!

Apr 12, 2009

Must Do, not To Do....

Does that occur to you that time flies so fast that your youth has vanished? I dont wanna sound like an old lady but I do feel I didn't live my everyday to the fullest so I decided to make my life extremely BUSY so my life is not completely wasted.

Life is really just too damn short, I will not invite laziness to be my roommate. I am a person who's keen on efficiency. So how can I let myself sink into wastey-land? There are too many things I wanna do and NEVER do. Such a shame of how I DIDN'T take control of my own life and journey. Enough said, procrastination is just not 2009 behavior.


1. Must lose weight

2. Must talk to dad about his affair

3. Must go to Great wall

4. Must take dancing lessons (TANGO, ideally)

5. Must dress up at least 5 days a week

6. Must branch out business

7. Must be happy

Must do, not to do!

Apr 7, 2009

Skinny Bitchin'

While I was waiting for my flight at HK airport, I decided to stay in the bookstores for some good long hours since I can't really afford any luxury shopping. I was attracted by the title " Skinny Bitchin'". Then I realized there are so many series-related by the same authors. Though I found the other books are kind of bullshitting, I can't stop reading this quote-filled book.

I decided to keep it so I bought it. It ain't cheep but I suppose words of wisdom are worth more than I could ever known. So I decided to share the wisdom with my fellow girlfriends each day from now on.

Today's Wisdom:

" Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind " ~ By Dr. Seuss

Mar 15, 2009

I am not who you think I am!

Who am I? Does it matter? Do I matter? I am not who you think I am. I am awfully cold to strangers but pretty god damn friendly to friends. It takes time to warm me up then I can be a sweetheart. Not that I play being an attitude sucker, just not that approachable.

I am lazy when it comes to making friends I suppose cause I dont think I need more friends since I have a good number of close ones. I am inefficient when it comes to keeping in touch and I suppose that's one of the character flaws. I am funny when you get my jokes cause I often being very sarcastic.

I like people who are young at heart, who like to experience and enjoy lives. I like people who are open-minded enough to accept new ideas. I like people who are sweet in actions than in talks.

I love cleaning when I am upset or going through some thoughts in my mind! Surprisingly, I am not a huge shopping fan. Oddly, no one believes me. I think walking around is fine, buying could be a waste of time. I enjoy efficiency in every way cause nothing beats time.

I am just me, a simple girl!

Mar 10, 2009



看她们象是不同世界的女孩子,自己并不属于那一类的人!可是我们异常的好朋友,有些甚至无话不谈!我越来越发现我不是个天生不丽质的女孩子,妈妈不要打我因为曾几何时我也是个甜美的小妹妹(According to my dad)但是随着年纪增长(OMG),没有了天生怎样怎样了!


Yes Maintenance! 相信我那几个美丽非常的挚友也会这样告诉你。他们的美丽除了天生之外,保养的功夫肯定一流。虽然保养的费用昂贵的吓人,但是不保养的女人更吓人!“人说天生没有不美的女人,只有懒女人” 一点都不假。累,真是累,女为悦己者容!为什么男人会喜欢美女?谁不喜欢把自己照顾的很好的女人?我看我那美丽动人的女友们,都开心的很更何况那些豺狼虎豹?


Feb 15, 2009

The Devil wears Prada....

Recently, I have watched this classic movie of mine. I found the following dialogue very TRUE!

Andy Sachs: She hates me, Nigel.
Nigel: And that's my problem because... Oh, wait. No, it's not my problem.
Andy Sachs: I don't know what else I can do because if I do something right, it's unacknowledged. She doesn't even say thank you. But if I do something wrong, she is vicious.
Nigel: So quit.
Andy Sachs: What?
Nigel: Quit.
Andy Sachs: Quit?
Nigel: I can get another girl to take your job in five minutes... one who really wants it.
Andy Sachs: No, I don't want to quit. That's not fair. But, I, you know, I'm just saying that I would just like a little credit... for the fact that I'm killing myself trying.
Nigel: Andy, be serious. You are not trying. You are whining. What is it that you want me to say to you, huh? Do you want me to say, Poor you. Miranda's picking on you. Poor you. Poor Andy? Hmm? Wake up, six. She's just doing her job. Don't you know that you are working at the place that published some of the greatest artists of the century? Halston, Lagerfeld, de la Renta. And what they did, what they created was greater than art because you live your life in it. Well, not you, obviously, but some people. You think this is just a magazine, hmm? This is not just a magazine. This is a shining beacon of hope for... oh, I don't know... let's say a young boy growing up in Rhode Island with six brothers pretending to go to soccer practice when he was really going to sewing class and reading Runway under the covers at night with a flashlight. You have no idea how many legends have walked these halls. And what's worse, you don't care. Because this place, where so many people would die to work you only deign to work. And you want to know why she doesn't kiss you on the forehead and give you a gold star on your homework at the end of the day. Wake up, sweetheart!