Dec 28, 2009

All I want for Xmas is ....

Oh Boy, I am actually pretty amazed about crafty hands! Yes it's been a long time since I knit. Then I decided to knit a scarf for my baby...I never formally introduce him but let's just call him E.Bass! Yes I love Chuck Bass too much that I have to find one in real life. Why did I choose this to be my Xmas present to him. I figure he has almost everything, well most of everything that I can afford. I dont take him as a person that I can shop for but I will try one day. Also, I want to give him something that means something.

Knitting is not really my type of thing but I do know how to knit though I get lots of help in the end. Thanks to those ayis on the street, they are too kind but also smelly. Did I mention there was a week when I was knitting this damn scarf that we were having cold war? I really struggled whether I should continue or stop this crazy workload for a Christmas present. Though, I didn't give up cause I ain't a quitter so I wanna accomplish what I started.

I planned it really well, I bought a card along with a nicely designed wrapper paper with the blue ribbon. See the picture? everything has to MATCH <----I SWEAR I am not a VIRGO. So after finding out that damn E.bass is not going to spend Christmas with me nor buy any Christmas present for me. I almost burn that scarf! My rational sense tells me that I should be a graceful person and give him this very precious gift.

So there, the night before he took off for his claimed Family TRIP, I went over to his place and gave him the present. Any facial expression that I expected him to has never showed up, I honestly think he does NOT like my scarf and dont think he will ever wear it but guess what?? SCREW U, E.Bass cause frankly I still think I made the best Christmas gift. U stubborn Cow..(he's a taurus), u will slowly REALIZE how much time and effort I put in this. I know u do already but I am telling u.....u will know ONE day....

BTW, my Christmas present better be f*cking GOOD!!

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