Mar 15, 2009

I am not who you think I am!

Who am I? Does it matter? Do I matter? I am not who you think I am. I am awfully cold to strangers but pretty god damn friendly to friends. It takes time to warm me up then I can be a sweetheart. Not that I play being an attitude sucker, just not that approachable.

I am lazy when it comes to making friends I suppose cause I dont think I need more friends since I have a good number of close ones. I am inefficient when it comes to keeping in touch and I suppose that's one of the character flaws. I am funny when you get my jokes cause I often being very sarcastic.

I like people who are young at heart, who like to experience and enjoy lives. I like people who are open-minded enough to accept new ideas. I like people who are sweet in actions than in talks.

I love cleaning when I am upset or going through some thoughts in my mind! Surprisingly, I am not a huge shopping fan. Oddly, no one believes me. I think walking around is fine, buying could be a waste of time. I enjoy efficiency in every way cause nothing beats time.

I am just me, a simple girl!

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