Apr 12, 2009

Must Do, not To Do....

Does that occur to you that time flies so fast that your youth has vanished? I dont wanna sound like an old lady but I do feel I didn't live my everyday to the fullest so I decided to make my life extremely BUSY so my life is not completely wasted.

Life is really just too damn short, I will not invite laziness to be my roommate. I am a person who's keen on efficiency. So how can I let myself sink into wastey-land? There are too many things I wanna do and NEVER do. Such a shame of how I DIDN'T take control of my own life and journey. Enough said, procrastination is just not 2009 behavior.


1. Must lose weight

2. Must talk to dad about his affair

3. Must go to Great wall

4. Must take dancing lessons (TANGO, ideally)

5. Must dress up at least 5 days a week

6. Must branch out business

7. Must be happy

Must do, not to do!

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