Oct 1, 2008


Who is Ariel? What am I? How am I as a person? After a long holiday, I decided to do some self-evaluation of myself.

I am hard to approach, not your favourite kind of girl next door. I appear to be hard to handle but I have the kindest heart. I have a positive state of mind who believes in "everything will work out fine" I am a perfectionist who's keen on efficiency. I am a Leo who likes to lead and handle difficult situation. I am a workholic who likes to evolve myself at work all the time. In the other words, I am thinking about work all the time.Always looking for new ideas and fun inspirations. I like to create things, I wouldn't neccessary consider myself as an artist. However, I am obsessed with anything that's beautiful.

I love being alone from time to time. I need my personal space to be alone. Sometime, there's no particular reason why I needed it. I might just be alone and do anything. Somehow, I just need it. Once you are my friend, I'll be there for you regardlessly.

I am a complicated person who likes to simply everything!

Aug 24, 2008

Let's not be super!!!

I am jealous of a friend of mine. She's sweet and very lovable. People love her for she is not because of what her extra value. On the other hand, I am super. Yeah,...super!
I am very competent of handling most of the issues. I am also strong in a sense that I dont take ppls bullshit. I am perfect when you need someone to handling problems. I never ever doubt myself in terms of my ability.

Then, I begin to want to be WANTED instead of NEEDED. I think that's a reason why I keep falling into sadness and depression. I am needed not wanted. People have an expectation of me because what I'm capable of. I want and NEED more than being needed. Too independent, too strong and yes too SUPER.

So it's ok to do this to me cause I'll get over it. Like my ex, it's ok to do this to her cause she's strong. Perhaps she doesn't need me. When I want to be wanted instead of needed, ppl push me away because they feel they are not needed. Ironic, isn't it?

A friend of mine mentioned that don't show your independence too often. I began to realize the true meaning. Another friend told me to breathe but how can I possibly breath when everyone is counting on me. As I am coming to an emotion meltdown, I decided that I dont wanna be super. Maybe for just one day!!

Aug 6, 2008

Friends are like Mirrors

So I finally watched the movie of the decade "Sex & the City." Good Lord, the old ordinary Carrie, the goodgirl Charlotte, the evil nasty Samantha. Why is this series so insanely popular? After all, it is about 4 older women who are looking for happily ever after.

Stereotype-yawning already. However, as cruel as Ariel, I still watched every fucking episode. Does that mean I am looking for my happily ever after too? Absofuckinglutely!!
Fairy tales? Perhaps!! Out of all characters, Samantha is my favorite. I mean we all got little Carrie, Charlotte even Miranda in us. Sam is the ultimate bad boy in a female term. Sam is in fact the oldest one but she does not play the rules. She is no doubt the most selfish one, ya like a man. I dont doubt I am Sam cause that's my idol though I can't possibly sleep with everyone like she does cause I have hygiene issues with most men. That's really beside the point. I guess this entry is about friendship.

Four women with four different characteristics bonds for a decade, watch it for that and celebrate women who think about what they want before what their men want. 4 different styles in different fashion sense, shoes, bags, and labels in New York. Why the fuck not? When Sam returned home from LA, she gained 15 pounds and faced the three mirrors she never got to see back in LA, he three best friends.

Look @ your best friends around you. You are friends with them for reasons, they might be different and how how similar but they will reflect of who you really are. Through them, you also learn their mistakes and their experience. Look at how successful and wonderful are they, and they all to choose you to be their friends cause you are special and they adore you.

I have lots of Charlottes and Carrie around me.I dont know who I really am, but in the end it doesn't matter cause I have them. They will guide me through my life, accompany me through thin and thick. They are my mirrors and constantly remind myself how a wonderful person I am.

Jun 23, 2008

In love with the boys with lovely smiley eyes

爱上眼睛会笑的男生,象Richard Gere, George Cloony, Hugh Jackman~!

Jun 7, 2008

Finally...My Launching Party

Enuf Said, More pics to come!

May 4, 2008

In love <3 with my new life...


在没有好好经营自己之前,为什么要别人去接受一个这样的自己呢?我做事不够细心很多事都丢三忘四的又大而化之的。。。在看过我们的新娘后我有了深深的领悟。。每个女孩子都井条有序的整理自己,有效的整理和经营自己是爱自己的表现。越懂得爱自己,就越会爱自己。越爱自己的女孩子会变的很吸引人也会很有精神自然而然的就会有人爱。。。而幸福 就越来越近。。。


Apr 21, 2008

Mini-Shanghigh Style Vacation

Yes, an old friend came to visit all of sudden....well not exactly all of sudden but definitely surprising! Who would thought that I would've seen him in Stinky Shanghai China...

Had some good old time and definitely starting to miss Vancouver, yes HOME more. Now I am talking to Mabelline now...NOT helping....Fun time.....My next REAL vacation shall be back HOME....yes HOME~!

Apr 6, 2008

Drama Free


现在的我,只想把重心都放在自己身上。我要经营自己因为我把自己经营好了之后我才能去经营其他的东西,不重要的东西只能随他。我觉得这不是自私而是自爱。我连自己的事都管不好了我没有办法也没有能力去帮助别人。一直以为很重要的东西现在突然都不重要了。我尝试的往好处想,事情可以更差的但是并没有。我还是有支持我的父母还有朋友。朋友还是不要太深交。成功并不容易,要有无比的毅力和耐心。 更重要的是,一定要专心。

"FOCUS" is my only concern now and that focus should be ON me. Life is way too short, 10 years later no one is gonna remember any of these drama. It's tough now, but we will all get over it....in TIME!

Mar 26, 2008



做人家老婆真的很不容易,老公老婆到了后面就是要一起变老的老公公和老婆婆。婚姻从以前到现在都是艺术,女人要体贴包容因为有容乃大。不是不争气而是谁不想回到家就是平静的和另一半分享生活的点滴和压力。人有压力会有情绪难免,另一半顾名思议就是要和你分享一切和成长。two half= one whole.


Feb 26, 2008

My Guru - Preston Bailey

给那些即将要结婚的姐妹们,他是我的 Mentor,我努力的目标还有我学习的对象。。。


Cause it's "La Vie En Rose."

Feb 16, 2008


2008 Valentine....







Feb 8, 2008

Sweet & Sexy

Finally, CNY has arrived.
Finally, my 2007 is over in my eyes. I have to say my 2007 is better than my 2006 though not really the way I expected. Yes, I'd fallen in love with a guy though it's over now.

Have you ever met someone who looks extremely familiar? And your intuition just told you that he's gonna be in your life, he has a role and you are not quiet sure what's he gonna do? There are two boys that had given me that feeling and they all became ex bfs of mine. Coincidence? I call it intuition and she never told me that they are the ones. But I just know they will somehow play roles in my life. Reality proves me right.

My last relationship has ended badly. As much as I want to reminisce Mr. P and I, it is officially over. It's sad that we can't remain friends but I think friendship also based on respect. For that, he owes me an apology. Luckily, my sadness has gone far away cause I've learned to love myself more throughout the year.

I am a type of person who wants to be better in time, who wants to be wiser in time and also wants to be happy in time. I am very happy with what I have in my life. Great friends, loving parents and processing career. Love becomes very optional, I am not saying it's not important. But I learn I am better off by myself than be in a convincing relationship.

People say that your appearance truly reflects how you feel about yourself. I believe it has its own theory and somehow it can be true. My style has always to appear the hot, sexy and desirable look and I think that's how I want to portrait myself. This year before it's too late, I wanna do a change to my style.

I wanna smile more. Not fakely but nicely smile to people and constantly remind to reflect my happiness to my dear friends.

I wanna try different shade of colors in clothing, not always black and grey. I wanna try lighter and softer colors. Even with make up, not always black and smoky. Yes a little cutesy while I still stay in the middle section of 20s.

Yes, girlie perhaps but I will never forbid my goal to be HOT....
I guess, Sweet and Sexy will be the goal.

Jan 16, 2008

It's not you, It's me~!


I've heard that phrase like thousand times ok?

靠当然是你,怎么会是我 ?


我觉得很烦。不知道在那里看过说一个人的运气风水看周遭的环境。 白痴的我深信不疑所以每次不开心我就开始收拾东西,可能心理作用总觉得只要这样做我的衰运就会消失,我的好运会好一些。。。不过,想想也是东西乱七八糟的怎么会心情好呢?






Jan 13, 2008

What kind of man are you?

Do you know what kind of "MAN" are you?

If I were a man, I am a "leg" man...
As perverted as it sounds, I am a leggie person. Some guys are into the faces, hands, boobs, booties or even waists...I am into legs.

I have nice legs at least I hope so...my roomie has nice legs too. Nice legs are connected with nice hips to ....some girls dont have hips i mean perky hips...hahha I sure sounded like a perv....but then ............Legs are important. Nice legs or I should say bottoms will support the nice fitting pants and jeans. I think that's very sexy..

So I decided I am working on my legs now...I should be...I used to have special workout to train my legs.

Gotta be ready for summer ........Legs...SEXY~!

Jan 11, 2008




他大概也扭不过我只好挨家挨户的看地址。。。终于他说yes yes我只好半信半疑的下车

我可爱的宝贝拿着Tennis Racket的以为我是日本黑手党的来抢家。。。



第二集 。。。明天告诉你。。。

Jan 9, 2008



我是女王,以前很在意别人把我当公主!现在就坦荡荡的和你说我不是公主 /我是女王。公主要人伺候呵护,女王要人尊重服务!YES! "RESPECT" 女王是爱自己和尊重自己的。我不难搞,你把应该有的尊重放在桌上我会尊重你。 你不尊重我,凭什么说我难搞~我要求高因为我要更好, 我绝对合理不会要求做不到的事!我可以更好,你也可以! 我要求进步因为在原地踏步就是退步。我每天都在想怎么自我增值还有自我检讨怎样才能更好因为我要更好。

好棒的一句话,“你妈生你那么正,不是让你被糟蹋的” 你说, 我妈正不正?我妈超他妈的世纪正,那你觉得做他女儿会差到那里去?我现在不辣但是我好好的有胸有屁股怎会差? 辣可以进化。今年27的我决定辣到最高点,把今年好好的辣一回。。现在不辣我何时辣?请你一定要相信我的决心,还没有试过把减肥当成New Year Resolution No.1 Priority. 在今晚看完Victoria's Secret 2006/2007后,更加确定了我要变辣的决心我不知道要多久才能变成我心目中变的绝辣但是有目标很过瘾,活着变的有意义!我决定要 living up my life.



Jan 8, 2008

Winter Style

2008 New Year Resolution

I have make up my mind for my new year resolution

1. Be the hottest, bestest shape I'll ever be. Yes shallow me wants to be the hottest EVER this year!

2. Settle with my housing situation in SHANGHAI!

3. Make shitload of money to gain my business!

4. Be a better lover, friend and lover! I am too hurt from before that makes me build a wall to protect myself. Gotta thinner the wall to be closer to the ones who are around me :)

5. Be more organized..though I am quiet organize already but then heheheh needs perfection!

I really wanna chop off my hair but then....I decided to be HOT..instead of cool :P