Aug 6, 2008

Friends are like Mirrors

So I finally watched the movie of the decade "Sex & the City." Good Lord, the old ordinary Carrie, the goodgirl Charlotte, the evil nasty Samantha. Why is this series so insanely popular? After all, it is about 4 older women who are looking for happily ever after.

Stereotype-yawning already. However, as cruel as Ariel, I still watched every fucking episode. Does that mean I am looking for my happily ever after too? Absofuckinglutely!!
Fairy tales? Perhaps!! Out of all characters, Samantha is my favorite. I mean we all got little Carrie, Charlotte even Miranda in us. Sam is the ultimate bad boy in a female term. Sam is in fact the oldest one but she does not play the rules. She is no doubt the most selfish one, ya like a man. I dont doubt I am Sam cause that's my idol though I can't possibly sleep with everyone like she does cause I have hygiene issues with most men. That's really beside the point. I guess this entry is about friendship.

Four women with four different characteristics bonds for a decade, watch it for that and celebrate women who think about what they want before what their men want. 4 different styles in different fashion sense, shoes, bags, and labels in New York. Why the fuck not? When Sam returned home from LA, she gained 15 pounds and faced the three mirrors she never got to see back in LA, he three best friends.

Look @ your best friends around you. You are friends with them for reasons, they might be different and how how similar but they will reflect of who you really are. Through them, you also learn their mistakes and their experience. Look at how successful and wonderful are they, and they all to choose you to be their friends cause you are special and they adore you.

I have lots of Charlottes and Carrie around me.I dont know who I really am, but in the end it doesn't matter cause I have them. They will guide me through my life, accompany me through thin and thick. They are my mirrors and constantly remind myself how a wonderful person I am.

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