Feb 2, 2010

This makes me stronger!

After seeing the video below, I only have one thought in my mind. How dare of me to think that my problem is bigger than the others? How dare of me to even try to be irresponsible and try to run away from all these? The problems I have right now are completely solvable and quiet challenging. Who gives me the privilege to victimize me? No one is dying, no one is dealing with a matter of life and dead. What really gives me the right to think my problems are bigger than others? I am not a little girl anymore and it is time to learn how to deal with tremendous stress. Yes I am under a lot of pressure, mostly from myself. I am learning to walk around the cliff and get back to the reality. I am very Grateful of having my parents who love me un-conditionally and I have few whom I considered my friends that always be there for me. Of course I am glad that I've been given the chance to conquer what's in front of me. Most of all, I am very blessed to be able to give when it comes to people I care.

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