Feb 18, 2010

Nine- Another Moulin Rouge?

Last day at my stay in TW, I met up with K to watch a horrible movie of my choices "The Wolfman." Well, I really like Emily Blunt and I didnt know it would turn out to be a bad storyline. That leads to a lesson-"everyone dont trust the trailer too much!" hahha...While we were at the movie theater, I saw the poster NINE and it reminded me how much I wanted to see it earlier last year. So I asked K casually if he would watch this movie, then he looked at funny and said "that's another Moulin Rouge, isnt it?"

Well, Nine is based on a musical adaption of Federico Fellini's autobiographical film 81/2. It focuses on a film director Guido Contini, who faces a creative crisis and various romantic entaglements after the release of his most successful films. So technically speasking, K was right about the musical part.

Little did K know that Nine is actually directed by the same director of "Chicago"-the Phenomenal Rob Marshall. So it is a musical and of course I dont expect a man like K would wanna see a movie like that but if he checks out the cast carefully then he will know there are several hotties in the movie. As much as I have to admit the movie was quiet BORING, but these women made the movie BEARABLE!

Sometimes I dont blame men to be such a players cause seriously women are beautiful creatures, every single one of them. If I were a boy, trust me I'll do the same! Come and check out the cast with me!

Nicole Kidman- Not a fan anymore after her multiple BOTOX jobs.
Marion Cotillard- Love her! Classic yet beautiful
Penelope Cruz- Mama mia , she shined through out the movie especially at her entrance dance wolalala~ I am a girl and I wanna lick her all over.
Kate Hudson- She looks great but just a safe role for her
Fergie-Dont really know why they cast her in the movie, her outfit is horrible too.
Judi Dench- I mean I just can't get her out of M (James Bond series)
Sophia Loren-GODESS, an true Italian beauty and she represents that beauty can also age gracefully.

Finally, the man Daniel Day-Lewis, whom I think is another reason that get me through the movie cause he just has this amazing charisma that speaks for the role.

I finally watched this movie at my SH home in my new Macbook pro since my crappy living room TV wasn't working and I am still waiting for E.Bass's 50" TV to be installed in my new house..Baby hurry back! Overall, the movie is lacking something but I am not sure what is lacking. The costume designer is a genius in this film though!

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