Feb 17, 2010

Happy Belated Valentine's Day

For some reason, I dont feel there was a Valentine's Day in 2010, guess Chinese New Year trumps Valentine's Day. Hhahha... Guess the media or retail store apparently don't agree so cause I came across reading this article in "Self" magazine that feature "Golden Couples" for the special Valentine's Day Column.

Then I started cracking up by Kirk Douglas when it comes to describe his attration to his beloved wife: "Her vicious sense of humor. The surprise birthday party she threw for me that year in Paris when she invited every girl I'd gone out with there." I was stunned by the fact she used the facts to joke about his affairs and enjoyed with it. So I decided to do some research about this couple.

On the Miscellaneous ups and downs:
He has survived a stroke; she has survived breast cancer. Both survived his infidelities with Joan Crawford, Gene Tierney, Rita Hayworth, Marlene Dietrich and others.

You often wonder how can a woman be so COOL about her husband's infidelities. Well she might not be cool about it but she chose to laugh about it. Then I began to wonder why we women are so tensed up ALL the times? Not everything has to be perfect, so just relax!! Everybody has flaws and yes so do we women. Have we thought about how many negative thoughts that run through our heads everyday? I never thought I am a negative person but today I started collect my negative thoughts when I opened my eyes in the morning. Amazingly, not a good number. We ought to learn how to stay positive though cause Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”~ W. Clement Stone.

I also wanna take a min to thank Kevin and John for sharing "the secret" with me. Love my bro and my wonderful friend. Congrats to John for his wedding news and Kevin for having a lovely gf!

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