Feb 18, 2010

Nine- Another Moulin Rouge?

Last day at my stay in TW, I met up with K to watch a horrible movie of my choices "The Wolfman." Well, I really like Emily Blunt and I didnt know it would turn out to be a bad storyline. That leads to a lesson-"everyone dont trust the trailer too much!" hahha...While we were at the movie theater, I saw the poster NINE and it reminded me how much I wanted to see it earlier last year. So I asked K casually if he would watch this movie, then he looked at funny and said "that's another Moulin Rouge, isnt it?"

Well, Nine is based on a musical adaption of Federico Fellini's autobiographical film 81/2. It focuses on a film director Guido Contini, who faces a creative crisis and various romantic entaglements after the release of his most successful films. So technically speasking, K was right about the musical part.

Little did K know that Nine is actually directed by the same director of "Chicago"-the Phenomenal Rob Marshall. So it is a musical and of course I dont expect a man like K would wanna see a movie like that but if he checks out the cast carefully then he will know there are several hotties in the movie. As much as I have to admit the movie was quiet BORING, but these women made the movie BEARABLE!

Sometimes I dont blame men to be such a players cause seriously women are beautiful creatures, every single one of them. If I were a boy, trust me I'll do the same! Come and check out the cast with me!

Nicole Kidman- Not a fan anymore after her multiple BOTOX jobs.
Marion Cotillard- Love her! Classic yet beautiful
Penelope Cruz- Mama mia , she shined through out the movie especially at her entrance dance wolalala~ I am a girl and I wanna lick her all over.
Kate Hudson- She looks great but just a safe role for her
Fergie-Dont really know why they cast her in the movie, her outfit is horrible too.
Judi Dench- I mean I just can't get her out of M (James Bond series)
Sophia Loren-GODESS, an true Italian beauty and she represents that beauty can also age gracefully.

Finally, the man Daniel Day-Lewis, whom I think is another reason that get me through the movie cause he just has this amazing charisma that speaks for the role.

I finally watched this movie at my SH home in my new Macbook pro since my crappy living room TV wasn't working and I am still waiting for E.Bass's 50" TV to be installed in my new house..Baby hurry back! Overall, the movie is lacking something but I am not sure what is lacking. The costume designer is a genius in this film though!

Feb 17, 2010

Happy Belated Valentine's Day

For some reason, I dont feel there was a Valentine's Day in 2010, guess Chinese New Year trumps Valentine's Day. Hhahha... Guess the media or retail store apparently don't agree so cause I came across reading this article in "Self" magazine that feature "Golden Couples" for the special Valentine's Day Column.

Then I started cracking up by Kirk Douglas when it comes to describe his attration to his beloved wife: "Her vicious sense of humor. The surprise birthday party she threw for me that year in Paris when she invited every girl I'd gone out with there." I was stunned by the fact she used the facts to joke about his affairs and enjoyed with it. So I decided to do some research about this couple.

On the Miscellaneous ups and downs:
He has survived a stroke; she has survived breast cancer. Both survived his infidelities with Joan Crawford, Gene Tierney, Rita Hayworth, Marlene Dietrich and others.

You often wonder how can a woman be so COOL about her husband's infidelities. Well she might not be cool about it but she chose to laugh about it. Then I began to wonder why we women are so tensed up ALL the times? Not everything has to be perfect, so just relax!! Everybody has flaws and yes so do we women. Have we thought about how many negative thoughts that run through our heads everyday? I never thought I am a negative person but today I started collect my negative thoughts when I opened my eyes in the morning. Amazingly, not a good number. We ought to learn how to stay positive though cause Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”~ W. Clement Stone.

I also wanna take a min to thank Kevin and John for sharing "the secret" with me. Love my bro and my wonderful friend. Congrats to John for his wedding news and Kevin for having a lovely gf!

Feb 15, 2010

Why is PATIENCE a Virtue?

Why is patience a virtue?

Answer by wiki.answers.com

Patience is a virtue because it makes us better people. The definition of the word is to tolerate delay. This implies self control and forbearance as opposed to wanting what we want when we want it. How many times have we jumped the gun and found out it would have been better to tolerate delay or had self control? What did we miss out on? Did we hurt someone we love because of lack of patience? Having patience will heal the wounds and it will work itself out fine. Patience is not only a virtue but a necessity for a happy existence.

Another Haiti Video..

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” By Jimi Hendrix

Feb 14, 2010

Fashion for Relief Haiti

Today is the first day of New Tiger Year in Chinese Lunar Year, so I woke up extra early to help out my mom for the crazy Chinese New Year Festival Activities. I also wanna take the time to tribute the wonderful Naomi Campbell's Fashion For Relief show,
a spectacular charity fashion show and auction event. Please see the clips at the following, also check out the www.care.org/fashionforrelief to donate a little big of you contribution of your red pocket money. I know I did, every cent of it!

Note 1* I think Kelly Osbourne looks awesome after losing that chuck of weight
Note 2* Nobody rocks the catwalk like Naomi Campbell
Note 3* I get all sentimental when the little tribute of Alexander Macqueen collection came out!
Note 4* What is Chris Brown doing in the show? Fine Charity trumps everything!
Note 5* I LOVE CHERYL COLE, she might not be Victoria Beckham but hey she's pretty damn hot!

Feb 12, 2010

RIP Alexander McQueen

British fashion icon Alexander McQueen commits suicide days after death of his beloved mother


British fashion designer Alexander McQueen was discovered dead today after taking his own life.

The industry was left reeling after the 40-year-old's suicide this morning, which comes just days after the death of his beloved mother, Joyce.

It is also just three years since his close friend, style guru Isabella Blow - who plucked him from obscurity and helped him become a star - killed herself.

McQueen, who was christened Lee but used his middle name as a designer, was found at his luxury flat in Mayfair, central London. It is believed he hanged himself.

One of his lines, McQ, was due to be shown at New York Fashion Week this afternoon but the show has now been cancelled.

I love McQueen's work though I sometimes find it too theatrical but my deepest condolences go to McQueen's family and friends.

The pictures above are the new 2010's Resort collection.The collection had a lot in common with his recent menswear outing: Both were inspired by the notion of an artist in his studio. Hence the splatter effects, brushstroke and line-drawing prints, and a series of blue and white hand-painted pieces. Additionally, the women's line had a bit of romance in the form of lace overlays as delicate as insect wings. Still, fans of the graphic punch that is also part of McQueen's arsenal won't be at a loss: Amber Rose, sometime Kanye West main squeeze and one of this label's most visible supporters, could cause a stir in the leggings and the primary-colored Op-style prints.

Feb 11, 2010

I can't stop BLOGGING

Now I have free access of blogger, youtube and FB, I can't sop blogging!! The purpose of this blog is POINTLESS yet very IMPORTANT for people who are going through depression. I just found some great Chinese quotes through my mom's memo booklet and I thought it will be nice to share. I know not many people read my blog and I don't announce my blog in public but whoever comes across my blog, you are in LUCK!

About Yourself:
*生氣 就是拿別人的錯誤懲罰自己

About Love:

Feb 10, 2010

Shorter, Slimmer, and definitely Lighter!

So I always like people who have delicate features, boys and girls. I am attracted to people who have slim and tiny face with very fine jaws. They don't necessary need to have a pair of big eyes but their noses or lips gotta be very stand out. I find people who have that type of feature very very attractive and very unique. I don't know why but then when I described this type of feature to my mom and my mom told me that I am talking about myself.

Then, me being a girl always wish I have higher nose or bigger eyes. That's right, I am very happy with my lips! LOL...Anyway, I am not here to talk about me. For those of you who've spotted me with short hair, I can only tell you that the hair is gonna be shorter and shorter. I always envy those who can wear short hair out cause not many girls who can pull the short hair style out!

I think (just my personal input) girls need to be VERY VERY SKINNY to have short hair, I am all about proportion. I never sport a girl with that type of hair cut that are curvy. So since I am obsessed with short pixie style, I know I am going to lose chuck of weight! Though by the speed of me dropping my weight, it should be by the near future.

I am excited! I can't wait to see the new change of myself. New transformation! YAY!

Feb 7, 2010

Everybody Hurts!

While I am in the hospital for 3 days, I was very disgusted by the smell and the atmosphere here. I felt depressed just by sitting here waiting for doc! However, I couldn't help watching the "Everybody Hurts Video" which is released on Super Bowl XLIV Sunday 2010 for the Haiti Charity.

Like I recently blogged, I just realized how fortunate I am to be "ALIVE". I mean I might be sick at the moment but I am still breathing the air and working on my way to be heathy. I am very blessed cause I have a new direction and plan of how my life should be. When I was watching and listening the music video, I got all teared up. I decided to work on a charity event when I get back to Shanghai and I couldn't be more excited about it. I have a lot of new projects lining up which are good changes for my career and personal growth. I can't reveal too much here cause I would rather take step by step.

Now I am focusing on working on my way to health land so I can help more people since I am a naturally nurturing person though I never realized I am. I wanna take the power to help on people who need me. The lyrics touched me deeply!

When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on
Don't let yourself go, 'cause everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes

Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go, (hold on)
When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on

'Cause everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on

Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
Everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on

Holding ON**

Feb 5, 2010

Fofo by El Willy Night

Fofo by El Willy is a Spanish Tapas restaurant owned by my best friend Elaine's aunt in Central, HK. What I considered a good dinner includes great company and I didn't realize how much I miss my best friend. Today I finally have the appetite to eat something that will stay in my stomach.

SO, I wanna talk about the restaurant first. The atmosphere is very comfortably surrounded by a lot of penguins and everything is purely white. This makes me feelextremely relaxed. Tidiness issomething I always look for when I come to a restaurant or someone's office. Due to beginning stage of opening, this restaurant makes me feel really clean and tidy.

Penguins are so cute hahaha, look at the penguins lamps so adorable!! Food are delicious there! I am very proud of Elaine's artwork for the menu, name card and the reserved signs. Good job babe! I enjoyed some laughters last night and for the first time in these couple weeks that I am very blessed to have good friends around the world. Most importantly, I did not vomit!

Ben said I lost chuck of weight and even J. Diddy said i look smaller. Though it's my intention to lose weight but I dont know if my health condition is at the right state. I am going to get a body check up when I am back in TW.

After dinner, I spent some quality time to catch up with my best friend. We've known each other since we were 16 years old, and ironically we were never in the same high school. She was the reason I used to obsessed with hello kitty and I used to pick her up all the time after she finishes classes.

And me being so sentimental, I can only say that I truly miss my best friend.

Feb 2, 2010

This makes me stronger!

After seeing the video below, I only have one thought in my mind. How dare of me to think that my problem is bigger than the others? How dare of me to even try to be irresponsible and try to run away from all these? The problems I have right now are completely solvable and quiet challenging. Who gives me the privilege to victimize me? No one is dying, no one is dealing with a matter of life and dead. What really gives me the right to think my problems are bigger than others? I am not a little girl anymore and it is time to learn how to deal with tremendous stress. Yes I am under a lot of pressure, mostly from myself. I am learning to walk around the cliff and get back to the reality. I am very Grateful of having my parents who love me un-conditionally and I have few whom I considered my friends that always be there for me. Of course I am glad that I've been given the chance to conquer what's in front of me. Most of all, I am very blessed to be able to give when it comes to people I care.

Feb 1, 2010

Dont Forget 2 Smile cause that's just a universal language!

Jan. 25, 2010 -- Laugh and the world laughs with you, literally. A new study suggests laughter is part of a universal language of basic emotions that all humans share.

Researchers found that people from the UK and a remote African tribe were able to recognize basic emotions such as amusement, anger, fear, and sadness through simple sounds like laughter even though they came from very different cultures and languages.

"People from both groups seemed to find the basic emotions - anger, fear, disgust, amusement, sadness, and surprise - the most easily recognizable," researcher Sophie Scott, a professor at University College London, says in a news release. "This suggests that these emotions - and their vocalizations - are similar across all human cultures."

Basic Emotions Universal

In the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers had participants from the UK and the Himba tribe (who live a remote area in northern Namibia and lead completely traditional lives with no electricity, running water, or formal education) listen to a short story based on a particular emotion. For example, how a person is sad because a relative died.

At the end of each story, the participants heard two sounds, such as crying or laughter, and were asked to match the sound to the emotion portrayed by the story.

The British group heard sounds made by the Himba people and vice versa.

The results showed the sound of laughter was particularly well recognized by both cultures. Listeners from both groups agreed that laughter signified amusement, as demonstrated by the feeling of being tickled.

"Tickling makes everyone laugh - and not just humans," researcher Disa Sauter, of the department of psychology at University College London, says in the release. "We see this happen in other primates, such as chimpanzees, as well as other mammals. This suggests that laughter has deep evolutionary roots, possibly originating as part of playful communication between young infants and mothers."

Other emotional sounds that were recognized cross-culturally included anger disgust, fear, sadness, surprise, and amusement.

But other sounds were not as recognizable, such as a sigh signifying relief.

WebMD Health News by Jennifer Warner Reviewed By Louise Chang
Last Modified: 2010/1/25 下午 03:00:29
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