Jan 17, 2010

It's not meant to be

Sometimes, lots of clients who come to inquire about my service but it doesn't seem that we can click at some point. I always believe theres a connection between people that bonds the individuals. Some clients are just in the right channel and it leads to really smooth working flow. Some clients can't click with you in the beginning but then they became your good friends for life and they constantly thought about you and want to include you with any business opportunity.

I really think chemistry plays a huge role in this field. First it's gotta be chemistry, then of course it's endless effort and work. I always believe that hard work pays off in the end. so I always work hard to fulfill my standard and my standards are high. Recently alot of my clients well, potential ones came to me and ask for quotes. They think I am too expensive, but I just simply think I deserve my price.

China people, please wake up!! :P

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