Aug 15, 2010

SATC2 Premier @ Jessica's Crib

I dont care what other says but I never get tired of SATC. I know they are older now but still they look fabulous and the fashion is amazing. A girl like Carrie will never be happy cause she doesn't look around her with what she has. She's only blind sighted with she doesn't have. I pity those foolish ones. I love the black diamond ring Big gives to Carrie at the end of the movie. Classic and Different.

Today has been weird, it's odd to meet your ex date's ex at Sunday SATC brunch. Then there we are and she's actually kind of cool. I know I've had history with Ex's ex but hmmm I dont know know. Weird ticking feeling.....

Look at the Fashion!!! How can you NOT NOT love SATC?

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