Dec 18, 2007

Who's responsible?

Yes who's responsible?

When things go wrong, it just seem we always want to have someone or something accountable for the downfall?
Why? Why can't everyone just accept things go wrong? and situation actually happens?

I am at edge having a breakdown cause it just seems everything becomes my responsibility. Do they actually fell better to blame someone else when something just goes bad itself? I have no clue,

I realized something from the past crazy events. It is really easy to quit cause once you burst the word out, nothing really matters. Nothing is associated or relevant in any sense. The most challenging part is to hold your breath, suck at it and walk through the pain and wait till it past.

It was always the maintenance that's the hard part, not the winning and earning part. Like relationship, like work, partnership, and like marriage. It's so easy just to quit and walk away and people tend to do that cause that's the easy way out. It takes a real courage and guts to say "yes, this is fucking tough but I'll do it and will always do it"

Life is never easy but it's the challenges that make it interesting. I am not a quitter, this sucks but I'll live!

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