Dec 18, 2007

Who's responsible?

Yes who's responsible?

When things go wrong, it just seem we always want to have someone or something accountable for the downfall?
Why? Why can't everyone just accept things go wrong? and situation actually happens?

I am at edge having a breakdown cause it just seems everything becomes my responsibility. Do they actually fell better to blame someone else when something just goes bad itself? I have no clue,

I realized something from the past crazy events. It is really easy to quit cause once you burst the word out, nothing really matters. Nothing is associated or relevant in any sense. The most challenging part is to hold your breath, suck at it and walk through the pain and wait till it past.

It was always the maintenance that's the hard part, not the winning and earning part. Like relationship, like work, partnership, and like marriage. It's so easy just to quit and walk away and people tend to do that cause that's the easy way out. It takes a real courage and guts to say "yes, this is fucking tough but I'll do it and will always do it"

Life is never easy but it's the challenges that make it interesting. I am not a quitter, this sucks but I'll live!

Dec 9, 2007

Petey-My boyfriend

Yes, this is my boyfriend. After few years of unknown dating series, I've found myself a very "stylish" boyfriend. His name is Petey...Yes that's how i call him and will forever refer him as P in my blog.

So Petey doesn't reside with the same city as I do. Petey is now a teacher in Japan but hopefully we'll be locating in the same city one day. Petey is also from Vancouver and yes I've known him for nearly 7 years and always have the hots for him. Though it's kind of interesting how things just happened but I gotta say everything happens for a reason. Intuition tells me this will happen and it did.
Petey calls me princess which I dont like but supposedly it's not a bad thing according to him

Petey is coming for Xmas and New Year along with hottie couple Christine and Tony from HK. I really hope this Christmas and New Year will be different. Finally with joy and laughter with loved ones.

Now where the parties gonna be huh?

Oct 5, 2007

Carol's Bachelorette Trip

Thank Lord that I can finally access blogger in wonderland Phuket!! I can finally blog myself into this "God knows Why" trend.

I devoted my very virgin girl's trip to dearest Carol Chen aka Mama Chen. I am not sure how this works but I suppose bachelorette trip should be wild, crazy and insanely fun. So far we have covered the insanely fun part but none of that wild and crazy side. No, we have not met good-looking boys besides those street shop owners express their love for potential buyers. No we have not gone clubbing nor crazy drinking.


We enjoyed everything else including tasty food, lovely sunshine, beautiful beach and pools and of course crazy shopping. Then I begin to wonder " how many more girl's trip" am I going to have in my life? Social calendar pushes everyone to get married, settle down and have kids. Do we get to enjoy our very last freedom of sisterhood? Not that none of that is a baggage but then how many years do I have left before I can enjoy just being with girlfriends?

Carol, Mama Jen, Baby Jen and I make a promise that we'll come back here for every bachelorette trip among us. I know it sounds crazy but randomness keep our life more interesting. Not dramatic but spontaneous!

Those are the photos for our resort and spa. -Fucking Nice-