Aug 25, 2009

The most romantic thing~

What would you do for love?

What would you do for someone you love? Change your hair style? Remotely accommodate your schedule? Go thru unnecessary surgeries so you can be his imagine playmate? Switch your belief whether it’s religious or political?

I wouldn’t do all of the above. It might take me a life longtime to realize this but the most romantic thing to do for someone you love is to really truly love myself. I don't know if you will ever get to read this nor even understand where I’m coming from but dear I have something I wanna to share with you.

You never have to ask cause I’m sure you already know the answers. But…I need to be ready…completely! As for now, I am not! Why? I need to refocus on myself first. At this stage of my life, I am only 60% happy of being who am I. I need to work on myself so I can be the person I want to be with when I’m with you. Do I expect you to understand or I suppose anyone who understands this? No dear, not really. Before there’s you and me, there’s only one you and one me. I need to be with me first. I need to take good care of me first. I need to be someone who’s 100% comfortable with herself. Patience is my prayer, cause as much I want to speed things up, I also understand that something just need to takes time.

I will be at my 100%, and that is my dear the most romantic I’ve ever done for someone. I am gonna love me first!

Aug 3, 2009

Jeux d'enfants

This is one of my favourite French movie, the movie is full of witty games and naughty plots. "La Vie En Rose" made the movie more romantic and I suppose more French. LOL I really like Marion Cotillard's performance in Jeux d'enfants. She's crazy, she's bold and she's fearless yet witty and charming.

French is really a beautiful language, I always regret how come I didn't pick up French when I was in Canada. Blah...Is it too late to start? LOL