Apr 21, 2008

Mini-Shanghigh Style Vacation

Yes, an old friend came to visit all of sudden....well not exactly all of sudden but definitely surprising! Who would thought that I would've seen him in Stinky Shanghai China...

Had some good old time and definitely starting to miss Vancouver, yes HOME more. Now I am talking to Mabelline now...NOT helping....Fun time.....My next REAL vacation shall be back HOME....yes HOME~!

Apr 6, 2008

Drama Free


现在的我,只想把重心都放在自己身上。我要经营自己因为我把自己经营好了之后我才能去经营其他的东西,不重要的东西只能随他。我觉得这不是自私而是自爱。我连自己的事都管不好了我没有办法也没有能力去帮助别人。一直以为很重要的东西现在突然都不重要了。我尝试的往好处想,事情可以更差的但是并没有。我还是有支持我的父母还有朋友。朋友还是不要太深交。成功并不容易,要有无比的毅力和耐心。 更重要的是,一定要专心。

"FOCUS" is my only concern now and that focus should be ON me. Life is way too short, 10 years later no one is gonna remember any of these drama. It's tough now, but we will all get over it....in TIME!