Oct 5, 2007

Carol's Bachelorette Trip

Thank Lord that I can finally access blogger in wonderland Phuket!! I can finally blog myself into this "God knows Why" trend.

I devoted my very virgin girl's trip to dearest Carol Chen aka Mama Chen. I am not sure how this works but I suppose bachelorette trip should be wild, crazy and insanely fun. So far we have covered the insanely fun part but none of that wild and crazy side. No, we have not met good-looking boys besides those street shop owners express their love for potential buyers. No we have not gone clubbing nor crazy drinking.


We enjoyed everything else including tasty food, lovely sunshine, beautiful beach and pools and of course crazy shopping. Then I begin to wonder " how many more girl's trip" am I going to have in my life? Social calendar pushes everyone to get married, settle down and have kids. Do we get to enjoy our very last freedom of sisterhood? Not that none of that is a baggage but then how many years do I have left before I can enjoy just being with girlfriends?

Carol, Mama Jen, Baby Jen and I make a promise that we'll come back here for every bachelorette trip among us. I know it sounds crazy but randomness keep our life more interesting. Not dramatic but spontaneous!

Those are the photos for our resort and spa. -Fucking Nice-