Jan 19, 2012


I really wanna watch this!! Anybody help me???


Dec 16, 2011

It's Xmas time !!

I still remember couple years ago knitting a scarf for you.....Do you constantly wearing it or just leave it for a display as stash of your gift collection. Because of this scarf, Jessica got mad at me and took away my bad trial...Yes I did knit twice so the second one will be a little bit perfect for my taste.

Not only that I will always love you and you take that very special place in my heart but also I wish you all the best in everything. Just cause it's 2012 and the new year, I am finally have the time to be the new me. Maybe I will be ready~

Real ready this time~

Oct 14, 2011

Someone Like You

It's 2:30am here and here I am, sitting here doing countless work!!

I started transferring all my macbook pro data to my new iMac then I found all those photos....